DS4S in a nutshell
The program features two keynote speakers, Mihaela van der Schaar, Professor of Machine Learning, AI and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, and Gustau Camps, Professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Valencia. A dozen of speakers from various research institutions across Switzerland will give invited talks. A session will focus on Open Research Data and the conference will conclude with a discussion with prominent panelists.
Also, please consider participating in our poster sessions!
Complementing the rich discussions and presentations, we encourage you to actively contribute to the poster sessions scheduled throughout the conference. This is a valuable opportunity for you to showcase your research, methodologies, and findings, fostering insightful discussions with your peers.
In the spirit of recognizing excellence, several prizes will be awarded to selected poster presentations based on scientific quality and originality of the research, as well as on contributions to Open Research Data. We invite you to submit abstracts and we look forward to welcoming your contributions.
Behind the scenes
DS4S is co-organized and mainly funded by the Swiss Data Science Center and the University of Bern. It is also supported by the National Open Research Data Strategy Council, by the Hasler Foundation, and by Bern's Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
Angelika Kalt (President of the National ORD Strategy Council, director of the Swiss National Science Foundation), Joël Mesot (President of ETH Zürich) and Martin Vetterli (President of EPFL) take part in the program (notably via the panel discussion and the ORD session, with a talk by Angelika Kalt). Martin Vetterli will open the event with the DS4S chairs.
Conference Chairs

David Ginsbourger is heading the Uncertainty Quantification and Spatial Statistics Group and serving as Director of Studies in Statistics at the University of Bern, where I he is co-directing the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science. At the University of Bern, he is also a member of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research, the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medecine, and the Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases. On the editorial side, he is serving as Associate Editor of SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, Technometrics, and regularly as Area Chair / Meta-Reviewer for major Machine Learning conferences (e.g., ICML 2023, AISTATS 2024).

Guillaume Obozinski is Deputy Executive Director and Chief Data Scientist at the Swiss Data Science Center. He graduated with a PhD in Statistics from UC Berkeley in 2009. He did his postdoc and held until 2012 a researcher position in the Willow and Sierra teams at INRIA and Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. He was then Research Faculty at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech until 2018.
Organizing Committee
Andrea Fraefel (IMSV, UniBE)
Dr. Lea Friedli (IMSV, UniBE)
Ninoska Friedli (DSL, UniBE)
PD. Dr. Sigve Haug (DSL, UniBE)
Dr. Lorenz Hilfiker (IMSV, UniBE)
Catherine Hugon (SDSC)
Dr. Ekaterina Krymova (SDSC)
Prof. Fernando Perez-Cruz (ETH Zürich)
Dr. Silvia Quarternori (SDSC)
Franziska Stämpfli (IMSV, UniBE)
Tim Steinert (IMSV, UniBE)
Sarah Vögtli (VRR, UniBE)
Dr. Michele Volpi (SDSC)
Also, we are very thankful to further colleagues from SDSC, UniBE, and beyond who are helping organizing DS4S in one way or the other!